Good results for Adria and Jat Airways

Meanwhile the Serbian national airline Jat Airways has managed to overcome troubles to post a good passenger number in August, increasing passenger numbers by 7%. In a statement, the company said it had transported more than 1.120.569 million passengers, some 2.112 tons of cargo and 414 tones of mail as between January and September 2008. The airline also reported a 22% increase in charter passengers. The most interesting figures should be published in December when it will be seen how the major fleet and destination reduction will affect passenger numbers in the winter period. Meanwhile IZIT experts believe that Serbia needs to find a strategic partner for Jat Airways as soon as possible, as otherwise, the airline could go under. Saša Đogović from the Marketing Research Institute (IZIT) told a press conference that the company should have been privatized last year, adding that the state had let Jat down, and that a strategic partner should be found right away, without any tender. Đogović said that the state had to act as a businessman and have a vision for development and a plan to attract foreign investment.