Tuesday, 10 June 2008

Four airlines interested in BH privatisation

Four airlines are interested in purchasing the 49% share in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s national air carrier B&H Air. The Bosnian government will soon invite companies to register thir offers for the carrier. Currently Turkish Airlines has shown the most interest although the national carrier of neighbouring Croatia, Croatia Airlines, has also shown interest. CEO of the BH Airlines Nudžeim Rečica said that the company won’t be able to make a profit if it does not have a strategic partner. BH finished 2007 in the minus by 100,000 KM (Convertible Marks) which is one of the best results in the last couple of years and is enabling the airline to slowly approach a positive zero. There is also one airline from Italy and one from Malaysia interested in the purchase of BH. B&H is set to be the third airline to have shares sold this year as both Montenegro Airlines and Jat Airways are also up for sale and their sale will be realised late this year.