Monday 11 August 2008

Aircraft collision at Split

At Split International Airport in Croatia a Russian Tupolev airplane has collided with the tail of an Italian Airbus while entering the airports platform yesterday (as pictured above).The passengers and crew of both planes were unharmed, the Croatian Ministry of Transportation said. The Russian Tu-204 hit the horizontal stabilizer of the Italian jet, and broke it. The Russian plane had 180 passengers and 10 crew members on board, while the Airbus was occupied by 93 passengers and six crew members. The Italian plane will remain in Split until it has been repaired, while the Russian plane will fly to Moscow, pending the approval of Russian and Croatian aviation authorities. Investigation is underway, and the Italian authorities will be duly informed, reports said.

Split is located on the Adriatic Sea in the South of Croatia. The number of passengers passing through Split has increased this year compared to last although this year’s growth was lower then expected. The airport experiences its peek annual traffic in June, July and particularly August due to high tourist numbers and organised charters. The two airlines involved in the collision were a Russian charter airline and the Catania based Wind Jet from Italy.